Reno Save Mart stores presented KNPB-TV a C.A.R.E.S. Foundation grant of $7,500 that will be used for their MARTHA SPEAKS program.
MARTHA SPEAKS is a reading program ran by KNPB-TV and focuses on early childhood reading skills. Children learn new vocabulary words as they participate in a variety of writing, reading and other activities in conjunction with the show. This year’s C.A.R.E.S. grant will continue to support the innovative and cost-effective program.
CARES stands for Community, Arts, Recreation, Education and Sports and focuses on improving lives under these categories. The Save Mart Companies C.A.R.E.S. Foundation donated more than $300,000 last year to nearly three dozen organizations in California and Northern Nevada. For more information, please visit www.SaveMart.com, under the Community tab.